Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thing 2

For a while now I have observed how much life in the Library is changing. The students already know so much more than I do when it comes to technology. I often feel embarassed that I am not quite up to speed. I am looking forward to understanding bloging, myspace, facebook, etc. I want to better understand and appreciate what is out there, and to be able to guide the students more successfully. I love being able to connect with the students that is revelant to their culture, and up until now have not been too successful.


maddy mayfield said...

I know how you feel about not knowing all that the students know but I figure taking this class will give me a foot into their door and I can take a peek at what they are looking at.

MsLinda said...

Isn't it amazing that we all feel the students are ahead of us in the technology area? I wonder how many teachers feel the same. We may be able to not only challenge the students, but the teachers as well.

Patricia said...

I have one teacher that says "I retired at the right time; when they put a computer on my desk". He subs for the district now. But that comment makes me laugh. I don't know how we ever lived without them!

MyraG said...

How to set your blog TITLE to show:
*Go to your blog
*Click sign in (the upper left)
*Go to your Dashboard
*Go to Layout on your blog
*Go to Settings
*Go to Formatting
*8th item down is Yes/No to show *Title field
*Click Yes