Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Library Learning 2.0

This class has been the most frustrating and the most interesting class I have ever taken. Sometimes I thought a brain transplant would have been easier. I would love to have all the knowledge that Myra has, she is amazing. It is not only all that she did to put this class together, without her enthusiasm and passion for what she was teaching us, I would have never made it through this class.

A whole new world opened up to me and even with all my complaining, Beckie our librarian wants to now take some classes in all that we learned. I was so amazed at what all is available for free to those of us with computers, and with the time to search it out. I think that was one of the frustrating things, time, do we ever have enough? We work, put in a full day, family, and then whatever is left over I personally don't like to spend by myself on the computer. I found I was dragging myself in there more times than not.

Would I do it again? yes, and especially now that I have been introduced and had my appetite wheted. I would like to concentrate on some specifics so I could feel a better sense of mastery.

How has this added to my job skills? I think I understand a new language, computer, blogs, twitter, rss feeds, google apps etc. the list goes on. I know a lot more than I did coming in.

I feel there is such a gap between the world the students live in, technology and the world most of us oldies live in. I think if we could do a better job of integrating technology into their classrooms, it would expand learning in a way that they can relate to. I think it would make learning more exciting. However, we need to get our teachers up to date first, too many have no clue the different resources that are out there.

What did I learn about myself? I learned that my first reaction is to balk at anything that means I have to really be patient and take my time, and trial and error. I found I was impatient, and wanted to throw up my hands and quit rather than hang in there. My husband was very helpful in encouraging me.

Thank you Myra, and you do not get paid nearly enough!

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